Friday, February 03, 2006

Various resources

Visual Studio 2005 Automation Samples
These code samples show you how to build VSMacros projects, add-ins, and wizards to make your teams more productive and to customize Visual Studio 2005 to the ways you like to work.

Cruise Control and continuous integration

FTPOnline on S. "Soma" Somasegar’s VS Live keynote: Team Foundation Server to Ship in March
“TFS beta testers can download TFS Release Candidate (RC) 0 from MSDN starting on Friday, February 3, 2006.”
Our TFS Beta3 refresh installation is up and running but has its share of problems. Among others, the inability to set the continuous integration on our standalone workgroup TFS server configuration, since a bug in the TFS makes it impossible to set up a build server on another computer and we don’t want to put the burden on the TFS server itself. Well, as soon as the RC1 is out, we’ll be installing it. :-)


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